Global DFS

by We Think Software Solutions



National Freight Examiners was established in 2007 and has since grown into South Africa’s leading Government Inspection 3rd Party Service Provider with more than 400 agents using our services.We are also the only inspection company in South Africa with a true national footprint, as we manage our own NFE branches in Pretoria, Johannesburg, OR Tambo Airport, Durban, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.Our company manages any kind of inspection for example:Customs StopsPort HealthDept of AgricultureState VetExamination Without Prejudice (EWP)CarnetsExport SupervisionsDA65 InspectionsGaurdforce, EmbargosCBCUSAPSBorder PoliceDepot unpack and repack Supervisions and many more.We also service both the import and export divisions in South Africa.NFE is also one of the few companies managing all modes of freight inspections being Airfreight, Ocean freight and Road freight.In the near future NFE will be expanding its service delivery further by introducing our new Cargo Surveying services where we ultimately envision ourselves to build an international network for all South African Importers and Exporters.